The PRO TREK line of authentic outdoor gear for nature lovers introduces the PRG-340, a timepiece that incorporates environmentally friendly biomass plastics* while delivering the same comfortable fit for your wrist. The case and urethane band are crafted from biomass plastics made with castor oil and the band from biomass plastics made with corn.
The duplex LCD lays out separate layers for the compass graphics and the clock functions, enabling a larger compass display for better legibility and easier navigation in a design that is both functional and beautiful. The rotating bezel makes it simple to record compass readings, and the Tough Solar charging system keeps the advanced functionality on the go.
Get out and explore with a gentler footprint!
* Biomass plastics are polymers produced using chemical or biological synthesis of materials sourced from plant matter or other renewable organic substances and are widely thought to help reduce environmental impact and promote the shift to a circular economy.
Basic Information
- Case size (L× W× H): 54.7 × 51.7 × 15.1 mm
- Weight: 87 g
- Case / bezel material: Biomass plastics
- Titanium Band, Stainless Steel Buckle
- One-touch 3-fold Clasp
- 100-meter water resistance
- Low-temperature resistant (-10℃/14℉)
- Solar powered
- Sensor feature
- Altimeter
- Measuring range: -700 to 10,000 m (-2,300 to 32,800 ft.)
- Measuring unit: 1 m (5 ft.)
- Manual memory measurements (up to 30 records, each including altitude, date, time)
- Auto log data (High/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent) Trek log data (up to 14 records of high/low altitudes, auto cumulative ascent and descent of particular treks)
- Others: Relative altitude readings (-3,000 to 3,000 m), Selectable measurement interval: 5 seconds or 2 minutes *1 second for first 3 minutes only *Changeover between meters (m) and feet (ft)
- Barometer
- Display range: 260 to 1,100 hPa (7.65 to 32.45 inHg)
- Display unit: 1 hPa (0.05 inHg)
- Atmospheric pressure tendency graph (Past 42 hours of readings)
- Atmospheric pressure differential graphic
- Barometric pressure tendency information alarm (beep and arrow indicate significant changes in pressure)
- *Changeover between hPa and inHg
- Digital compass
- Measures and displays direction as one of 16 points
- Measuring range: 0 to 359°
- Measuring unit: 1° 60 seconds continuous measurement
- Graphic direction pointer
- Bidirectional calibration
- Magnetic declination correction
- Bearing memory
- Thermometer
- Display range: -10 to 60℃ (14 to 140℉)
- Display unit: 0.1℃ (0.2℉)
- *Changeover between Celsius (℃) and Fahrenheit (℉)
- Altimeter
- Mineral Glass
- Direction Bezel
- Compatible band size: 150 to 205 mm
Watch Features
- World time 31 time zones (48 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving on/off
- Sunrise, sunset time display
- Sunrise time and sunset time for specific date, daylight pointers
- 1/10-second stopwatch
- Measuring capacity: 999:59’59.9”
- Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time, 1st-2nd place times
- Countdown timer
- Measuring unit: 1 second
- Countdown range: 24 hours
- Countdown start time setting range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments and 1-hour increments)
- 5 daily alarms (with 1 snooze alarm)
- Hourly time signal
- LED backlight (Super Illuminator) Full auto LED light, selectable illumination duration (1.5 seconds or 3 seconds), afterglow
- LED:White
- Full auto-calendar (to year 2099)
- Button operation tone on/off
- Power Saving (display goes blank to save power when the watch is left in the dark)
- Battery display/alert
- Battery level indicator
- Approx. battery operating time:
- 7 months on rechargeable battery (operation period with normal use without exposure to light after charge)
- 27 months on rechargeable battery (operation period when stored in total darkness with the power save function on after full charge)
- Accuracy: ±15 seconds per month
- 12/24-hour format
- Regular timekeeping: Hour, minute, second, pm, month, date, day
- Duplex LC display
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